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Regenerative Energy Applications

Giner is actively engaged in developing an innovative Battery Capacitor Hybrid (BCH) system, aimed at enhancing the autonomy and efficiency of prosthetic limbs by harnessing the regenerative energy typically lost during the gait cycle. This research initiative is focused on extending the operational range of prosthetic devices, thereby reducing the frequency of battery charges required and alleviating concerns about battery life among users.

Regenerative Energy test stand with dual motors and wiring in background
Gait Data - Voltage vs gait cycles and Voltage vs % SOC

Regenerative Prosthetics

Each year, millions of Americans benefit from prosthetic limbs that significantly improve mobility and overall quality of life. However, traditional prosthetic devices have not taken advantage of the potential for energy regeneration. Our research is centered on capturing this energy to potentially extend the range of use without frequent recharging, thus improving user convenience and reducing the environmental impact associated with frequent battery use.

Giner Commitment to Technology Translation

Our development integrates Giner’s specially designed battery technology with advanced supercapacitor technology to optimize energy storage and recovery. We have constructed a sophisticated test stand that precisely simulates the dynamics of a powered knee, allowing for thorough evaluation and refinement of our BCH system.

As we continue to advance this technology in collaboration with industry partners, we remain committed to aligning our innovations with prosthetic manufacturing standards and user needs. This ongoing development aims to significantly enhance the user experience by offering longer operational periods and reduced dependency on recharging, marking a potential step forward in prosthetic technology.

lower half of a man wearing a prosthetic right leg